Ancient yogis perfected their practice sitting on nail beds because it activated their root chakra. We've designed and developed the world's only acu-spikes designed for sitting for the same reason. They invoke your inner off switch by stimulating the acupoints in your sitting muscles, and around the base of your spine.

Did you know that yogis traditionally sat on nail beds to meditate? In a world first for modern acupressure, this spike is the first designed for a seated meditation practice. It provides instant focus and awareness, activating your base and releasing your largest muscles.

No two days are the same. Your Cushion knows that too. The combination of organic buckwheat fill and memory foam lets you adjust its height so that your back is straight, your core is centred, and you’re completely grounded without any soreness.

Finished in a soft heathered recycled fabric for hours of comfort in any wellness space. Portable and easy-to-clean – it’s a practical reminder to prioritise yourself daily.
• A better frame of mind
• Less tension in your largest muscles
• Find stillness faster
• A deeper practice
• Greater self-awareness
• Improved posture
Meditation is a practice steeped in self-discovery. There's only so much we can tell you here. When it comes to using your Cushion, however, here's how to get started.
The easiest way to get started is with the acupressure pad. Place it on top of the Cushion before sitting down. The zip should be against the floor.
Sit cross-legged with your ankles on the floor, or kneel over the Cushion with your knees facing outwards. Whichever you prefer, aim for a long spine with your hips above your knees.
Positioning yourself towards the edge of the Cushion will help lower your knees and tilt your sacrum forward. Doing so makes it easier to straighten your back for extended periods. It also keeps your feet from falling asleep.
After around 5 minutes on spikes you will feel them anchor your mind to the sensation. Tension will gradually release in your largest muscles as you slowly drift into a meditative state.
If you find the Cushion is too high you can carefully remove some of the buckwheat fill. If you prefer a softer seat, try removing the acupressure pad.
• If you’ve ever laid on a Shakti Mat you’ll know bare skin is best – but if that’s not an option you can wear thin shorts or leggings
• If you struggle sitting cross-legged, you can support your hips and ground your ankles with extra softness by placing blankets or cushions under your knees
• Stretch your ribcage and side body over the Cushion to open your sides and energise the space around your rib cage where your breath is received. This also expands the front and back of the heart, where we tend to constrict unconsciously.
Meditating on spikes is less daunting than it sounds. The acu-spike has been specifically designed for sitting. And while the experience can feel a little weird in the beginning, rest assured that's all part of it.
When you first sit down you'll notice the sensation forces your awareness. You'll adjust your posture, and likely straighten your spine without thinking about it. After a few minutes the spikes will begin to activate your root chakra at the base of your spine, and your largest muscles will release as your mind opens and you anchor yourself to a deeper practice.
If you’re still unsure, our customer service team would love to help you on your Shakti journey – contact us.

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